MM Locko Park training day Sept 2024 30 01

Last week, at Locko Park estate in Spondon in Derbyshire, we hosted an engaging and informative Infrastructure Management and Maintenance Training Day. The event saw the attendance of 26 Line Maintenance Technicians (LMTs) who gathered to receive crucial business updates and participate in a series of training activities.

The day was packed with three main training events designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of the LMTs. The sessions included first aid training conducted by St John’s Ambulance, a driving challenge aimed at perfecting driving skills, and an orienteering challenge that required participants to navigate without the use of mobile phones.

Several key clients, for whom we provide management and maintenance services, also joined the event. Sam Parton, Partner within the IM&M Team with more than 10 years’ experience, said: ““It was a great day that allowed our field and office-based teams to catch up and network, which they don’t get to do very often being based across the UK. It’s really important to have these days to share knowledge and provide important updates across the teams. It also demonstrates to key clients the team ethos we have at FG and how open the teams are to learn and improve what we do.”

Joe Meehan, an LMT who joined the team in 2008 after a lengthy career in the finance sector, shared his enthusiasm: “I absolutely love my job. The best part is being outdoors and not doing the same thing every day. You meet lots of different people all the time, some are easy to deal with and others not so easy. Days like this enable you to share experiences and information with others. It’s also great to meet with our clients and the office team to have a joined-up experience.”

Richard Broome, Partner and Head of Infrastructure Management and Maintenance, emphasized the importance of training: “Training is crucial, and refresher days like this enable the team to both share experiences and also spend time with other members of the team that they may not see on a normal working day. Some of the team have been with us for many years so they take the lead in arranging this event, taking responsibility for setting the agenda and providing activities to share their experiences with those who have joined more recently.  Everyone- including our client contacts- got involved in one way or another and that culture and camaraderie is part of what makes me so proud to be part of the Management & Maintenance Team.”

Nevil Theyer, one of the LMT supervisors with 19 years of experience in the management and maintenance team, highlighted the significance of safety: “Safety is paramount when it comes to the management and maintenance of third-party pipelines. Our team must be trained to a high standard to ensure we minimise risks to their network. It’s great to see the team taking part in the challenges and having the opportunity to network with others in the team.”

Darren Bohanna, a Project Supervisor for Cadent, also attended the event and participated in some of the exercises. He praised the team, saying, “It’s great to meet up with the Fisher German team. Working with such an efficient, dedicated team makes my job easier as I know I can rely on them to do what they say they are going to do. They are my eyes and ears and having the reassurance that you manage our assets as if they were your own means I can get on with other aspects of my job. Your knowledge and expertise in land agency consultancy is a massive advantage, and having one point of contact for all our needs makes what could be a more difficult job a lot simpler.”

The training day at Locko Park was a resounding success, providing valuable learning opportunities, fostering team spirit, and strengthening relationships with key clients.

Find out more about infrastructure management and maintenance.
