
New Homes

Turning a plot into someone’s home

Our multidisciplinary team operates nationally: we work as one team, focused on one plan, to meet one goal – our client’s.

Maximising value

Our main objective is to maximise the value of every site and deliver a faultless experience for our clients.

Combining technical (planning) skills with a fundamental understanding of how to maximize GDV (Gross Development Value), as well as how to optimize the development potential of every site is what our Planning team does best.

We have an extensive ‘New Homes’ capability. This means our planners have a profound understanding of the legislative and regulatory frameworks which developers and housebuilders must comply with, as well as the impact economic, environmental and social factors could have on clients’ and Planning Authorities’ decision-making process.

Our pragmatic approach is underpinned by a deep understanding of planning law, national agendas and local knowledge.

By assessing and evaluating all the options, as well as developing a thorough understanding of your brief (from optimum density rates to analysis of the impact on local amenities), we will be able to provide clear, practical advice and the options open to you.

Our ultimate objective is to obtain planning consent which meets your strategic, financial and operational objectives.

A critical part of our planning and development process will be to ensure that your environmental/Natural Capital goals are met. This is what sets us apart from our peers.

Whether developing a greenfield or brownfield site, we have the skills, experience and expertise to help you progress from conception to breaking ground.

Click here to find out more about Natural Capital and our Natural Capital capability.

We have been advising landowners for almost 200 years, which is why we are one of the country’s leading advisors on acquiring land for development purposes.

We advise landowners on how to unlock their assets to realize its full development potential. This has led to us becoming a unique resource for developers and house builders because we identify potential opportunities, often before they come to market.

However, given our deep ethical heritage, we always secure the best and most equitable terms for all stakeholders. This is what underpins our proven track record.

Our experience lies in adding value throughout the lifecycle of a transaction. Our regionalist specialists:

  • Have extensive local contacts (amongst landowners and organizations looking to dispose of surplus land), as well as deep local market knowledge
  • Are experienced in all acquisition practices – from sealed bids and negotiating with agents, to bidding on behalf of clients at auctions
  • Expertise includes acquiring land for residential and mixed development sites
  • Work closely with planning teams to ensure GDV (Gross Development Value) is always maximized
  • Develop detailed site appraisals which draw on critical market intelligence such as demographic factors, target markets site considerations and optimum housing options
  • Collaborate with sustainability specialists to ensure that clients strategic and financial (development) goals are always realized – without compromising their brand reputation.

We will also work seamlessly with our New Homes specialists to ensure your priorities are always at the forefront of everything we do - from inception to completion on the sale of the last property on a development.

A ‘brand’ is more than a logo. It must resonate with a target audience, reflect the company’s values, be a catalyst to meet commercial targets, and imply ‘quality’.

That is why the ‘brands’ we create reflect the personality of the development, through the choice of colour, imagery, and typeface and are always aligned with the developers’/house builders’ own brand values and positioning.

Once created, we develop a complete creative strategy for all applications including:

  • On and offline campaigns
  • Promotional brochures, posters, etc
  • Fact sheets and websites
  • Ads – for local media, posters, broadcast media, and social media

But a brand is more than just contemporary graphics and compelling images. It is about the tone of voice (at times formal, at times conversational but always professional) and the ‘message strategy’.

We will work with your in-house team to ensure that what we create resonates with prospective purchasers and rises above the noise of the marketplace.

Making a compelling case for your development is what we do best.

Developing strategic marketing plans and campaigns is a critical part of our offer.

The core objectives of every new home’s marketing campaign are:

  • Raise awareness and visibility of the development
  • Develop a positioning strategy which will capture ‘eyeballs’, as well as the interest of our target audiences
  • Generate leads for the New Homes Sales Team.

At the heart of every successful campaign is data - data concerning the target audience. Our profiling protocols ensure that we reach the right audience, with the right message, at the right time.

As part of this process, we interrogate our own database, as well as available independent data to select the prospects with the right profile – in terms of age, income level, purchasing criteria, property requirements, and location specifications. This allows us to tailor the campaign strategy.

We also look at psychographic segmentation ie personality factors (such as lifestyle, attitudes concerning their expectations of their dream home and interests) and match them to the features and benefits of each development.

Although the marketing mix of each campaign is different, the core tactical elements will always include:

  • Digital marketing
  • Offline marketing
  • The use of high-quality professional photography or CGI’s – to make the difference between someone scrolling past your property or stopping for a ‘deeper dive’.
  • Tactical ad campaigns
  • Social media –to reach prospects when they are most likely to see the posts and/or ads (for example early evening).

If a new development does not have a show home, we take stunning images of the ‘naked’ room and, using CGI, can create lifestyle tableaus to promote the property. This can also be done from the working drawings, either prior to or during the construction process.

If the surrounding landscape and area are USP’s to the development or property, we use drones (for aerial footage), to capture the ‘ambiance’ and lifestyle offering which many seek and further promote this within our brochures, online entries and marketing campaigns.

Finally, developing the right ‘message strategy’ is the bedrock of a successful campaign. It has to be aligned with the target audience’s buying requirements.

To maximize the potential of each site, we know that success boils down to a simple equation: find the right buyers on the right terms.

That is why we offer every New Homes client a national service tailored to their specific requirements.

We support in-house teams and, when required, market properties on behalf of clients. Irrespective of which route a client opts for, the cornerstones of our service include:

  • Delivering a full site management service, promoting a site as a sole agency or acting as a referral service
  • Our experience includes all tenures, buying schemes, price points, and locations
  • We understand the nuances of the Build To Rent and Buy To Let markets
  • Our proven track record includes selling off-plan or in the open market

Whether marketing a single asset or multiple plots, the quality of our delivery remains the same.

Our focus on service is underpinned by bespoke reports, market insights, and appraisal analysis.

We have been selling new homes for almost 100 years, which is why we know that:

  • Knowledge of the regulatory and legislative frameworks is paramount
  • Intuitive understanding of prospective buyers’ drivers is critical
  • Delivering tailored and captivating marketing campaigns with targeted messages is vital
  • Knowledge of the local markets is key
  • Conducting regular competitive analysis allows us to stay one step ahead

This is the service we offer every New Homes client.

  • Spotlight on

    Find out more about our Head of New Homes

    Find out more
  • Publications

    Foresite - new homes market insight from the team at Fisher German

    Read more
  • New Homes brochure

    Discover your dream home within the pages of our comprehensive brochure

    Explore Now



Market Harborough

Midlands Agency - Ashby

Midlands Agency - Derby


