5b03e841b205f45f691d9494 565d3f23ec4bcc221a9e2c8e32620163cbcd19e6b21f3563ec79ffad1984f36c web

Project summary

  • Acted on behalf of landowners in entering into an Promotion Agreement
  • Planning monitoring throughout the duration of the Agreement to ensure compliance by the developer with their contractual obligations
  • Sold on the open market once a planning permission was achieved
  • Retained by the purchaser to advise on the disposal of affordable housing


  • Provided expert advice on the viability of a planning permission
  • Created, managed and gave expert advice on the tender of the site to strategic partners
  • Monitored closely the planning progress of the site throughout the promotion period
  • Diligently marketed the site to housebuilders and achieved results beyond the expectations of the landowner and promoter
  • Appointed a well-resourced team to service the instruction


  • Sale value maximised
  • A large, potentially complex instruction managed effectively