Agri-Business Graduate

Background and industry experience

Vicky graduated from Reading University in 2022 with a first class BSc International Development. During her studies, Vicky worked part-time for a handful of local farmers. Post-degree, Vicky traveled around South America, before spending six months in central Queensland, Australia on a 100,000 acre cattle station. Vicky also enjoyed a six month stint at a small environmental planning consultancy in 2023 before she joined FG.

Vicky is passionate about agriculture and the environment. Alongside day-to-day management of Countryside Stewardship, SFI agreements, and general estate matters, Vicky also enjoys negotiating and implementing wider environmental agreements including Biodiversity Net Gain, Carbon Sequestration and utility company biodiversity partnerships.

About me

Why did you join Fisher German?
I was fortunate to grow up in the Northamptonshire countryside surrounded by a number of estates which happened to be managed by Fisher German. As soon as I knew I wanted a career in agribusiness management, my sights were set on FG due to their incredible reputation in the area and the wide range of clients.

What has been your favourite project and why?
No one project. I am lucky enough to have worked on a number of interesting projects for management clients.

Most admired, non-property brand?
Ringers Western

Top pastime?
Chasing cows or riding horses

Best holiday destination?
Banff, Canada

One item to take to a desert island?
My dog

Who would you like to be stranded in a lift with?
Also my dog? - starting to learn a lot about myself here...

Favourite film?
No idea - I'd rather by outside than watching movies!
