Partner 01612 144678

Background and industry experience

Richard is a Partner within the Valuation department in Manchester and carries out valuations throughout the north west for a variety of different purposes including loan security, taxation, pension funds and asset valuations. He values all property types including commercial, residential and going concern valuations as well as commercial and residential developments.

Richard has been working as a valuation surveyor for over 15 years and joined Fisher German in 2022 as part of the merger with Matthews & Goodman. He has gained a wide variety of experience in this time and has developed strong relationships with a variety of clients.

Richard is a scouser working in Manchester (SWIM) but hasn't forgotten his roots from a social or football perspective. At the weekend he's most likely to be found managing one of several of his children's football teams!

About me

Why did you join Fisher German?
I was part of the Matthews & Goodman team - the two companies merged in 2022

What has been your favourite project and why?
I enjoy getting my head round complicated valuations

Most admired, non-property brand?

Top pastime?
Anything football related

Best holiday destination?
Anywhere in America

One item to take to a desert island?
My family

Who would you like to be stranded in a lift with?
A lift engineer!

Favourite film?
The Shawshank Redemption

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