Senior Associate 01512 364552

Background and industry experience

Andrew works in the Liverpool Office. He is a MRICS Chartered Surveyor with some 32 years rating experience dating back to the 1990 Rating List and is also a member of the Institute of Revenues Rating and Valuation.

Having previously spent 27 years working for the Valuation Office and then a further five years in the private sector, Andrew has considerable experience in the valuation of multiple sectors of property involving varied valuations approaches: rentals, contractors, revenue and expenditure. In addition to bulk class properties (shops, offices, industrials) he has significant valuation knowledge of other sectors such as public houses, hotels, schools, golf courses and hospitals.

When away from work Andrew enjoys being outdoors, spending time with family and friends - in the hills or at the beach.

About me

When did you join Fisher German?

Why did you join Fisher German?
Reputation, location and opportunity.

Most admired, non-property brand?
Land Rover - classic British engineering

Top pastime?
Being outdoors

Best holiday destination?
Canadian Rockies - no question.

Favourite film?
The Italian Job
