Carbon Credit 01

Blaston Farm in Leicestershire, owned by Philipson Estates, has been a leader in regenerative farming for many years. With our guidance, the farm has successfully transformed into a carbon-sequestering powerhouse, generating surplus carbon credits.

By collaborating with agronomists Indigro and soil monitoring firm Ecometric, we have helped Blaston Farm develop a comprehensive soil organic matter testing methodology and adopt more regenerative farming practices. This shift has enabled the farm to capture more carbon than it emits annually, allowing it to sell the surplus as carbon credits on the open market.

Following rigorous analysis by Ecometric and due diligence testing by Carbon Direct, Blaston Farm’s carbon credits were listed on the Regen Network platform. These credits were then sold to the Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 team through carbon finance specialist Respira International.

Agribusiness Graduate, Vicky Povey, commented on the emerging market for carbon credits: “Creating carbon credits through soil sequestration is a relatively new concept, but it is proving to be a viable way for farms to generate additional income while benefiting the environment. Blaston Farm and Philipson Estates are pioneers in this field, demonstrating that the market values these credits highly. 

“The purchase by Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 underscores the importance of these credits for blue-chip companies looking to offset their emissions. It is fair to say that this method is not foolproof. The number of credits generated can depend on the type of soil a farm has and weather conditions. When assessing farm suitability for carbon sequestration, it is worth assessing fields individually and bearing in mind the trade-offs associated with reduced cultivation. 

“In addition, the longevity of these practices is somewhat unknown. We know the soil cannot store infinite amounts of carbon, so it is uncertain exactly how long we can continue to increase soil organic matter.

“Farmers who are already trying regenerative farming methods ought to think about having their soil carbon levels measured against their emissions to generate credits. The market is only growing, and as companies are increasingly looking for ways to offset their emissions, it could be a great way to make extra money when farms are often under pressure. For farmers thinking about generating carbon credits, it is vital to get expert advice so they can be sure it is a viable option for them.”

Blaston Farm has embraced regenerative practices for several years, including creating wildlife habitats, using renewable energy sources like solar panels and air-source heat pumps, and participating in Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) schemes. 

Hylton Murray-Philipson, owner of Philipson Estates, highlighted the farm’s journey: “After years of continuous arable cropping, our heavy clay soil is on a 20-year path of sequestration and recovery. By diversifying our crops and focusing on natural farming methods, we have improved soil quality and increased carbon sequestration. The successful sale of our highly audited carbon credits to Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 validates our efforts. We are excited to continue capturing more carbon and generating credits, benefiting both other farms and the environment.”

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