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Project summary

  • FG were instructed by L7 to complete a feasibility study into the viability of solar PV at the JQ Modern building in the heart of Birmingham.
  • This included identifying the maximum capacity of PV that could be installed, considering this in the context of L7’s demand requirements and obtaining indicative quotes for the installation.


  • We engaged with our Client to fully understand their aims and objectives.
  • We looked at how we could add value from a future management and investment standpoint, in their push towards creating a 'greener' building incorporating renewable energy.
  • We produced an e-report detailing our advice and recommendations including the benefits and potential pitfalls of a PV system on such a building.
  • We considered the planning implications for such an installation. We summarised our findings in a way that could be used for ESG and future green investment planning.


  • The Client ended up with a clear understanding of the solar capacity capability, potential carbon savings, planning constraints and challenges and the likely impact on current energy use through the building.
  • Key data is compiled and presented in an easy-tounderstand format which can be presented at Board level and used to inform financial investment decisions.

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