Worcester Half Marathon 01

On Sunday, 15th September, four dedicated colleagues from our Worcester office took part in the Worcester Half Marathon, achieving remarkable personal milestones. Ellie Salmon, a Graduate Surveyor, Sophie Kelly, a surveyor, in our Valuations team, along with Senior Planner Steph Ross and Senior Surveyor in our Commercial Property Management team, Lucy O’Hare, all participated in the event, smashing their personal bests. 

Steph Ross shared her motivation, saying, “I took part as I had previously done a half marathon in May and wanted to beat my time. I am also undertaking the Brighton Marathon next year, so this was all towards training. The crowd through the city was great and they gave us motivation the whole way. For me, it was a personal achievement.” 

Sophie Kelly, who had never considered herself a runner, found the experience particularly rewarding. She said: “I have never been a runner, so this was a personal challenge for me. The atmosphere was great, and it was fun to take part in the city where I work. It was a real mental and physical achievement for me,” she said. 

Reflecting on her journey, Lucy O’Hare mentioned, “I did my first half marathon before having my daughter two years ago, so I wanted to do one two years after as well. I am also doing the London marathon next year, so it is good training for this.” 

Ellie Salmon’s participation was driven by a deeply personal cause. “I ran the half marathon to raise money for Alzheimer’s Society and to raise awareness of the profound impact dementia can have on family and caregivers. I am losing my Grandmother to dementia, which has been incredibly heartbreaking to watch. I loved the atmosphere, especially seeing familiar faces in the crowd, and the support was incredible. I have raised over £1,600 for Alzheimer’s Society which is a significant achievement. It made it super special as my first-ever half marathon to know I was raising money for such a great cause.” 

The funds raised are being donated to Alzheimer’s research and support services, which aim to improve the lives of those affected by the disease through advancements in treatment, care, and support for families.

Donate here.
