Farmer looking at field 01

The Government has been discussing the introduction of a Land Use Framework to tackle the country’s need for a system to manage diverse land demands. We spoke with Kate Mason, one of our associate partners in the rural property management team, to understand why landowners must seek expert advice before the new Labour Government announces the details of these plans.

England has a finite supply of land, and the patchwork of rules, regulations and other issues associated with it is rather complicated for the new Government to deal with. The Land Use Framework (LUF) is proposed to integrate decision-making and encourage sustainability to help the Government and local authorities resolve complex problems around food security, environmental schemes, development and more.

The focus and change of Government will have implications for the LUF but while we wait for the details to be announced, there is a great deal which farmers and estate owners can be doing in the meantime. Farmers and estate owners must understand the opportunities available with their existing assets to help them make informed decisions in the future.

Our strategic asset consultancy experts provide an assessment of an estate’s current land use and identify new opportunities for diversified income and development. We provide a land zoning service which considers a variety of options for the land, including the planning potential, mineral opportunity and Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) potential which can be at the farm or estate level, with information and opportunities presented visually on a plan.

This straightforward process allows us to classify the land and have a discussion as to whether its current land use could be changed to encourage more sustainability and business resilience in identifying new opportunities.  

Formulating a business property strategy is really important for assessing property portfolios, correctly spreading assets to fully understand any risks and maximising return on investment across the portfolio. Our team, who have a mix of rural, commercial and residential experience, will achieve all this and enable landowners to make informed decisions. 

This is crucial in establishing a clear direction for the future of the business and a detailed understanding of the opportunities available, considering short, medium and long-term objectives. Development opportunities are likely to be more widely available and with Labour’s proposed planning changes strategic planning is key. 

A change in management approach could unlock potential and provide a balanced portfolio, with risk spread across the markets.  Thinking strategically about property and assets will enable landowners to future-proof their assets, spread risk and have a resilient approach for the future. 

Find out more about our strategic asset management consultancy services.
