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New grant funding opportunities are set to emerge in October with the launch of the Farming Investment Fund, which will provide grants to farmers, foresters, growers and related contractors so they can invest in equipment, technology, and infrastructure that will improve their profitability and benefit the environment.

The fund will include two strands - the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund and the Farming Transformation Fund – and our agribusiness team is urging people to act now to put plans in motion and make the most of the opportunity.

Grants from the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund will be available towards the purchase cost of a list of specified, pre-determined items. Grants can be awarded for the purchase of multiple items that are deemed to improve farm productivity, manage water resources or add value to agri-food.

Grants from the Farming Transformation Fund will be available towards the cost of more substantial investments in equipment, technology, or infrastructure, with the potential to transform business performance. Applications will be assessed against their ability to contribute towards the Farming Transformation Fund scheme objectives, which could include making more efficient use of water or using nutrients and pesticides more effectively.

Head of Agribusiness, David Kinnersley, said: “While it may be all too easy to concentrate on the decreasing BPS payments, we are urging farmers and landowners to consider new grant funding opportunities. The new Farming Investment Fund will begin to open in October this year, so farming businesses should begin thinking, planning and discussing potential projects which could add value to their current farming operations now.

“The BPS reductions witnessed in 2021 will be the lowest set of reductions across the next six to seven year period as the government plans a gradual phasing out of these payments. Although the payments are decreasing, the overall funding is remaining constant until 2024 and the Farming Investment Fund is one way in which the Government intends to redirect funding away from BPS. This buys farming businesses time to make alterations to their current business plans in order to add value, reduce cost and drive revenue.”

Agribusiness Graduate, Charlie Fowler, added: “Future grant funding presents a fantastic opportunity for farming businesses looking to improve their productivity or diversify and should be utilised as seed capital to help propel businesses through the difficult period which lies ahead and build foundations for future years. We would urge any business looking to take advantage of the new grant funding to seek expert advice to discuss the viability of future projects and set any potential lengthy processes such as applying for planning permission in motion in order to make the most of this opportunity.”

For more information about the new grants or for help in submitting an application, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your local agribusiness team.
