Project summary
- Provision of a new 45 megalitre (Ml) reservoir, comprising three new reservoir cells on land south of the existing Hanchurch reservoir off Harley Thorn Lane, Stoke on Trent
- The new reservoir will replace the existing reservoir that has significant structural defects
- The site is located within the North Staffordshire Green Belt in a rural setting adjacent to woodland and arable farm land
- Planning application submitted for three new 15Ml reservoir cells, two valve houses, security fencing, internal roads, turning areas, footpaths, reprofiling, removal of boundary hedgerow/trees, planting of new landscaping, decommissioning and demolition of existing 27.5Ml reservoir cell and conversion to a soakaway and temporary working area.
- Very special circumstances were demonstrated as part of the planning application to justify the development in the Green Belt
- Planning application was unanimously approved on 3 July 2017 at Planning Committee
- Securing the continued supply of clean drinking water and to meet future demand in for Stoke on Trent and the wider area