Project summary
- To obtain a change of use of the existing commercial building to D2 leisure use comprising an eco-gym, café and creche.
- To overcome constraints including the site’s location within a commercial area protected for traditional business uses, drainage capacity due to it being within the catchment of the River Mease Special Area of Conservation and meeting parking requirements.
- A Sequential Assessment was carried out, demonstrating no suitable alternative sites. The project would provide local jobs and provide an ancillary facility serving existing businesses on the wider employment site.
- The River Mease constraints were overcome through calculations of the previous use compared to the proposed, there would not be a significant increase in flows to mains sewers, no adverse impact on the Special Area of Conservation.
- Significant level of community support to deliver the project, bringing environmental and social benefits and an innovative facility that has not yet been achieved in this area.
- To inspire and improve the behaviour, attitudes and lives of the local community.
- To deliver several key sustainability benefits to help deliver a commercial and community facility, reflecting the client’s strong health and wellbeing values.